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Country:, Europe, UA

City: 34.1372 Dnipropetrovska Oblast', Ukraine

  • Mark DePew - Great Range for the Price

    Only issue is the location or lack of lights. The newer version has the lights located further forward the only complaint I have is that the lights light the wall more than the range.

  • A genXer - Easy and simple way to improve your teeth and health

    I really liked this book. After trying oil pulling, my mouth felt wonderful. My teeth felt clean, my gums felt and looked healthier, and my tongue had less coating. As I continued to oil pull each day, my tongue and gums turned pretty pink and my teeth felt so strong. My teeth are also whiter. I get compliments on my smile.

  • Juan Carlos Fernandez - Slow charge

    I bought the product based on the price and great reviews. Unfortunately the charge is very slow. It works, but it's very slow. Not suggested if your normally on the go..

  • Haley Mills - From Bird's Nest to Glorious Fabio Locks.

    Last December I went on a solo trek through Puerto Rico. It was my first time being anywhere relatively outside of the U.S. mainland and it was also my first time traveling alone. I was there for two weeks and was on a mission to use as little money as possible. The only time I was able to shower was at the beach showers, which you obviously shouldn't use shampoo or conditioner at. I was pretty smelly and disgusting after sleeping on beaches for 2 weeks.