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This is a great look back at what was an unbelievable run for the Cardinals. Narrated by actor and St. Louis sports fan Jon Hamm it takes a memorable look at the events leading up to the team's 11th world title.
Very small and compact, which is what I was looking for. Reception definitely dropped over the stock antenna on the Jeep, but I no longer have it smacking the windshield when wheeling.
I have a 2007 WK (Grand Cherokee Limited) and this is a direct replacement for the stock unit which burned out a while back.
This was the first stick to reveal a positive last month. We were REALLY disappointed when the results became negative two days later, but a blood test confirmed that there HAD been hcg in my system, and it was disappearing due to chemical pregnancy / early miscarriage. These are well-tested sticks (I've read all of the research, including some original studies not sponsored by the company)... They don't give false positives. They do detect very, very, early pregnancies. 30-50% of all very early pregnancies miscarry-- often before a traditional pee stick would even show positive. This stick will catch those early but doomed pregnancies that just barely implanted in the uterus, but then fail a few days later. Only test early if you can handle the ambiguity and heartache of knowing you were barely pregnant but lost it. Otherwise, wait until you've missed your period, and confirm with a lab blood test right away. My heart aches for the folks who think they got false positives, but most likely, they DID have hcg in their systems, tested when the levels were BARELY high enough to trigger a line on this test, and then lost the pregnancy very shortly afterwards. If you're neurotic like me and simply must KNOW, then this is the stick to get. But knowing early is a double-edged sword.