Gerber & Harrington - G&H NEW JERSEY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS - New Jersey electrical contractors providing electrical services for homeowners and businesses in Monmouth County, Ocean count NJ

  • About Us - Gerber & Harrington - Electrical Contractors Serving New Jersey - New Jersey electrician provides electrical services for homeowners and businesses in Monmouth County, Ocean count NJ

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  • RVAng - A waste of money

    Don't bother wasting your money on this product. The trip planning software is so counter-intuitive that you'll spend more time trying to parse through the (less-than-helpful) help sections than actually planning your trip. The search function is worthless unless you know the exact name and/or address of what you're looking for. It will not allow you to make you're own route (which you might want to do when the software won't find a location you want to go). Even if you manage to piece together the semblance of a trip using the planning software, that's about as far as you can get. The 2012 Trailer Life RV Parks & Campgrounds Directory is NOT included in the software - you'll have to fork out an additional amount to actually get any useful information. What is included in this over-priced software is a simple summary telling you if campgrounds have hookups, pull-throughs, wifi, etc. There are no detailed descriptions, contact info for the campgrounds, or anything else that might actually help you make your trip happen. So sorry I wasted my time trying to figure this product out and threw away $40 on this - I could have spend the same amount of time and money on internet searches and a Fodor's or two and would actually have been better off.

  • Emmyluu - love this cookbook!

    such a fun cookbook. The author did a great job adjusting traditional British foods to the American pallet and ingredients.

  • michael - This record is such a great showcase of artistic integrity and incredible talent

    This record is such a great showcase of artistic integrity and incredible talent. Once again, Lady Gaga has effectively re-invented a pop genre. This time, it's country...and we couldn't be happier. Seriously, it's really great and although it is definitely a huge departure from her beginnings in dance pop and electronic music, this record is hardly an homage. Her ability to take hold of any genre and make it her own is evident here more than ever. It's the country music that everyone loves but with such an undeniably delicious twist that you don't know why you never heard it like this before. I couldn't wait for #LadyGagaYear and now I hope it never ends. Joanne by LADY GAGA; just wow!!

  • K. Courant - Too high

    I was so excited when the tray came out for the Cruz as my lo is 8 mos old and loves to have snacks! But when we received it and attached it to the stroller, it is so high that he has to reach up to touch the tray. Are we doing something wrong? We attached it where it shows on the box so we think we're doing it right. If we did it right then why is the tray so high? He may not be able to use it until he's older and taller.