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  • OrthoPA - Finally...

    I've used dozens of shaving products over the past few years and I couldn't find one that I liked so did a ton of research before purchasing this product as well. I tried it out in the store and bought the travel pack. It worked so well that I decided to get the larger size.

  • Lucy South - like watched videos on You Tube

    Before I bought this I read the reviews that said it only works if you use it right. I read the instructions and practiced a few times, and it still didn't work at all for me. Maybe I could have done more research, like watched videos on You Tube, but I really just want something that works without having to complete the equivalent of driver's ed before getting results.

  • Hy Janecyk - Alien Dragon finds his mate

    I really enjoyed this book. I hadn't read any of the others ones so I didn't know the whole back story of Melissa. Jarek is a Preor War Master bringing a ship of fellow Preors to Earth for Mates as his final mission. Once a Preor finds his mate they both get "The Knowing". That freaked out Melissa! Melissa is the nanny to the Ujal princess (she's trying to make amends for her brother's actions). Since Jarek was forbidden from finding a mate it causes quite a problem. With Preors trying to kill him and Melissa trying to fight the mating Jarek isn't sure what to do. They get their HEA! I can't wait to read about more Preor's (and now have to go back and get the Ujal books!). I was given a copy for an honest review. I really love Celia Kyle's stories

  • Kazuya K. - Pain to setup

    Nice feel on the actual panel if I could've setup more easily. I purchased this to work with my X-Plane 10. But is was just hard. It maybe because English is not my first language. It maybe I am not a tech person than I thought it was. It was just too confusing to setup. 1 week of reading and asking, I gave up and sold it. My yoke/ trim/ and rudder is enough for me for now. I wish the setup is more easy like plug and go.

  • V.V.V - This is my Coffee in the Morning

    This is one of the best B12's I have every taken. I have suffered from extreme exhaustion lately to the point of where I was falling asleep while driving. I knew I needed to discuss the issue with my Dr. After several blood tests, I was found deficient in B12, so my Dr. recommended 2400mg of B12 a day. So I started taking a regular B12 supplement I found at the Sprouts store. I did not feel any better. I did some research and found that the Methyl B12 was more readily absorbable in the blood stream than the regular B12 normally sold, but is not as popular because it is a bit more expensive. Being pretty desperate for energy, I decided to spend the extra money and I have never been happier! Within the first day, I started feeling more energized and awake. Since I only need 2400 mg, I use a pill cutter to simply break the tablet in half. I use this as my coffee to wake up in the morning! Great Product!