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    Country:, Europe, SK

    City: 19.5 , Slovak Republic

  • C.R. Fowler - Great Product, and a must-have!

    This product is really great. I had an easy time getting it on thanks to the little tabs you can use to hold it, and there isn't a single bubble or bit of dust underneath. It looks just as good as the one they put on at the AT&T store when I bought my phone.

  • Computer Savvy - Must have for every household

    I used this on sticking one of the bricks on my sidewalk. I wasn't sure it was going to work w/ cold weather setting in. To my surprise, this is an excellent product to glue almost anything. Along w/ WD-40, Goof-Off, this is a MUST have product for every household.

  • Amazon Customer - I took a new job in an office after working ...

    I took a new job in an office after working 30 years in the tools. With my new job came EXCEL, I had no clue how it worked. So I purchased this DVD and learned how to use EXCEL. I have two computer monitors, I bring the training DVD up on one and EXCEL 2013 up on the other and work the trainings. I'm no expert now because I do not use excel every day, so if I need some retraining I go to the topic on the DVD and it comes right back.

  • digitel - Hands down the best game of the year... But its so much more than a Game its a true Teaching / Training tool that's like a game.

    Amazing Teaching simulator. The games are awesome and have you flying through scales in no time. the songs are awesome. and such a wide range of music and styles it really helps round out your sound.. Non stop play is awesome just fly through your favorite songs for however long you set the time for.. session mode is you playing with a custom band you set up.. it so much fun and you can tweak your sound like with a modding amplifier program. its great for practice and keeps you motivated with the success Progress is straight up if you are not a total tard looking for any excuse to stop playing.. It will have you playing just a few notes a single string at a time.. and as you master that it increases the difficulty I have this for Both Xbox and the PC.. so far the PC is the best for other reasons i will not go into.. Both play the game exceptionally well no lag Xbox has the RCA cables for Sound Not HDMI. HDMI will not work.. it must be RCA RED/WHITE audio cables.. You get out what you put in.. Give the 60 day challenge a real shot and see if you are not playing the guitar and having a psychedelic experience with this tool.... Once you have the basics down there is no stopping you. Cant say enough good things about this game.