MEDICINE.BG - медицина за всеки. Българският портал за здраве и здравословен живот. SEO - SEO Suggestion Report about test scores:90 points.Title information:MEDICINE.BG - медицина за всеки. Българският портал за здраве и здравословен живот..Host:

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  • Mickey - It looks good but that's not enough

    Not impressed with this. If I could return it I would. It looks good, but to play the cards you have to double click them. You are not able to change players, build you own character or change the card decks or back grounds. It is very restrictive. Hoyle Card Games is a much better program. I did not play anything but pinochle, but that was enough for me. It's back in the case and going to Goodwill.

  • Ceasar - 3 cans = 4 17" wheels

    Painted my rashed up wheels (after much filling and sanding). Got two cans for four wheels, and should have got three. Two worked but three would have made me more comfortable. The only advice I can give is make sure your prep work is longer than the actual painting. If so you did it right. Looks superb and when I feel like a new color I will be doing it again.

  • J. Brown - Wish I hadn't purchased this

    I've used other, much more user friendly, home design software products. I also took a couple of CAD courses in college. This is a glitchy nightmare. All wall layers flicker and show at the same time and the 3D camera is constantly throwing up errors. Half the buttons they show on the Chief tutorials, that would make creating roofs and modifying objects much easier, don't exist in this version. Creating a gable end roof is a nightmare and my chosen house plan is full of them. When you click the create gable roof button, you get a definition of a gable roof, followed by directions telling how to further modify supporting walls (on a perfect square room) to get a gable end. This doesn't work 99% of the time within a complex house plan. So, I have to resort to guessing pitches and combinations for every line. The library is so skimpy, I'll have to create half the objects (like square columns) myself. How do you estimate costs for a drawn object? If you value your time and sanity, look elsewhere.