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  • Nickib1981 - Hallucinations

    I have trouble sleeping and had high hopes for this product, instead I tossed and turned all night woke up from bad dreams and was seeing things that weren't there. Definitely won't take or suggest this product to anyone. Not worth the $

  • Lucas Nicodemus - Updated: Might be DOA (replacement coming)

    Update: Contacted Sense on October 14, 2016 about this; received a coupon for a replacement on October 19. Have not received replacement unit yet, but will update accordingly with a proper review once it arrives.

  • Oren Zebooloon - Great for school

    I purchased this robot to use as my class pet. I teach 6th grade and my students have been bugging me to get a class pet. Cosmo definitely fits the criteria for this. Today was the first day I introduced him to the class. They're all in love with him, especially when they get picked for being able to interact with him. Also, I have another teacher that has a student with moderate to mild social behavioral problems. As an incentive we had that student interact with Cosmo. It was amazing. He was so intrigued with what Cosmo could do. He even taught two other students what to do and he was so respectful with how he was doing it. This is unheard of with this student. When that student went back to class he wanted to interact with his peers by playing kickball. His teacher was in tears, because he was participating for the first time. Thank you so much Anki for making Cosmo. I'm going to put in a donors choose request to see if we as a school can get more.

  • Jay in Phoenix - Thorough, Neutral, Well Written

    The writing is first rate non-fiction prose from a top journalist. Balz writes not only from extensive research but from personal interviews all the way from the candidates themselves, down through the top members of the campaign teams, to precinct-level workers. If this was the only Dan Balz writing one had ever read it would be impossible to tell which candidate he preferred, assuming he preferred either Romney or Obama. The analysis is absolutely first rate. If you want to understand what happened that led to the results of the 2012 Presidential election, this is your book.

  • ReviewVixen - This Binder Is Garbage.. All LIES!!!

    I tend to take what a presidential candidate has to say seriously, so when Mitt Romney said he had a binder full of women, I was in awe. Ever since my employer changed my hours so that I could come into work 5am and get home in time to get the kids off the bus, do homework, and fix dinner, I haven't seen much of my husband. His hours are those crazy normal working hours and I have been so lost without him being around to make decisions for me. A binder full of women sounded like the perfect solution to my dilemma, I could just flip through the pages and find someone qualified enough to help cook dinner and do the laundry, maybe even clean a few toilets.

  • Mack Owen - Nice for browsing

    I love short fiction, and this collection has some excellent examples, but has a somewhat narrow view of what is the best. It is understandable that a given editor, be it of an anthology or journal, will have some prejudices, but the "New Yorker" type story has a definite edge here.