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  • Rachel - Smooth as can be, and totally hair free!

    Like many others here I was brought to this product by several youtubers. I use these facial razors for getting rid of the peach fuzz on my face. I am already on my second pack! These are amazing. I use them on my face every time I wax my eyebrows so about once every 2-3 weeks and have had no issues whatsoever. My skin can tend to be slightly dry and sensitive so I like put on a thin coat of CeraVe moisturizing lotion as a bit of a barrier instead of just dry shaving. That seems to work best for me. And as a licensed cosmetologist I can assure you that the hair on your face will absolutely NOT grow back darker or thicker from shaving. This is a huge myth that I wish would completely go away. Getting rid of the peach fuzz on my face/ neck helps my facial serums absorb better into my skin and also gives me a smooth canvas fro applying my makeup. You need these in your life!!

  • Steven - A clever little blaster that any Nerf (or Engineering) fan should own!

    Believe it or not, this is one of the most intriguing Nerf Blasters ever created... and it belongs in anyone's collection. Don't discount this little beauty. With each pull of the plunger and squeezing of the trigger, one (and ONLY one) dart is fired. Pull the plunger, squeeze the trigger, and the next dart is fired. How?? The answer is clever engineering.