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  • lattebreak - Hope for eczema, constipation, celiacs, food allergies, and more!

    This is definitely one of my favorite books. I read it all in one day... I couldn't put it down! All I did that day was feed my 3 children meals and read. It was so worth it. I have had eczema all my life, as my mother and grandmother had, and my daughter also got about 6 weeks after she was born. I tried a number of natural remedies to help my daughter's eczema (which covered her legs and itched), including a gluten-free diet, oils, creams, and digestive enzymes, but at 18 months her eczema had still not cleared. This book explained why. It's an inability to digest, caused by a lack of good bacteria, which babies are supposed to get from their mothers while going through the birth canal and through breast milk in the first 2 months of life. Though I had given birth vaginally and breastfed, I didn't have enough good bacteria to pass along to her sterile newborn body (since my mother didn't have enough to pass along to me) and so the good bacteria didn't cultivate and left her vulnerable to bad bacteria and yeast, causing her eczema to appear at 6 weeks. Eventually she developed other symptoms like poor sleep and constipation, also signs of an inability to digest and an overload of toxins from the bad bacteria and a plugged-up colon. For quite a while I have been feeding her a similar diet to the one recommended in the book, but when I added the probiotics that Dr. Campbell-Mcbride helped to develop my daughter's constipation disappeared within a few days and her skin cleared up within a week. I'm amazed! Her skin hasn't looked this good since she was a newborn! She is also much happier and sleeping better. She is finally digesting her food! I have also begun taking the probiotics for my similar problems. I can tell I'm finally digesting my food also. What a relief! I am passing the book around to about 10 people that I know it would help. It's not just for parents of autistic children. It's for all the people (which is half of the population) who are constipated and irritable. It's definitely worth the read! I should add that I am not new to nutrition. I have been studying nutrition for 12 years (it was part of my major in college) but until this book I never really understood the digestive system. It is well-explained and thorough, but easy enough for someone who doesn't have much nutritional knowledge to understand.

  • Amazon Customer - Very Disappoinrted

    When the box finally arrive,(I ordered it in April, it arrived last day of May), the box was in a Post Office package for damaged products. The Hydro Mousse was missing, nothing but some grass seed and the sprayer (that had been opened), and the box was all beaten and crushed.

  • Kevin C - Works Great

    Product really works great. I've been dealing with since my Army days. My doctor said the prescription treatment isn't guaranteed and that the OTC stuff wouldn't work, (that was 8-9 years ago). I tried this and am seeing improvement and am very pleased.

  • Bulrush - Through molded key letters should last a long time.

    I like this keyboard, it was easy to get up and running. The keys make a loud click, if you like that, it will work great for you. The keys also give great tactile feedback, like the old IBM keyboards from 1981. The keys are backlit and the light shines through the letters. This means the clear plastic of each key goes all the way through the key cap. I got this because I wear the letters off any keyboard in about 3 months, the paint is just exceptionally cheap in the past 4 years. So I needed something where the letter was molded all the way through the keycap, so it would last longer. This is not the multicolor keyboard, it's a green light only. The multi color line is called Chroma.