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  • BirdDog - Hewlett-Packard HP EliteBook 8740w Upgrade of HDD Boot Drive to this SSD Boot Drive Can Work. Here's How.

    My mission: upgrade the original 300 GB HDD hard drive that came with my HP EliteBook 8740w laptop to this Samsung 850 EVO 500GB SSD to use the SSD as the primary drive / boot device.

  • Karen - Benefits Cosmetics erase concealer paste

    Love this product! Use it all over my face. Live in Florida and it covers the brown freckels. Highly recommend!!!

  • Chris Martin - Excellent taste, in small portions.

    I like these, they taste just like the regular version. Soft, and chewy, not hard, and no weird after taste.

  • Rainy Days & Mondays - Potential side effects for cats:

    I currently have 5 healthy indoor cats. They range from 6-years old to seven months. The two younger cats I had up for adoption for a few weeks along with their littermates at a local cat rescue shelter. During their stay at shelter they must have picked up some fleas. I used a flea comb on a kitten last week and noticed a bit of flea dirt. I treated all the cats with Advantage (Flea control) and washed and sterilized all their bedding along with practically everything else in the house that was washable. As a last step to preventing any major flea outbreak I ordered a 3-lb container of Fleabusters RX from I followed the manufacturer's directions while applying it to my carpets. I thoroughly raked it deep into the carpet. Because of cold winter weather and dry inside air, my home is currently charged with static electricity. So much so that when I pet my cats their fur snaps and pops with static. Apparently because of the static, the Fleabusters powder was sticking to my cats after they crossed the freshly treated carpet. My shinny black cat was covered with a fine talcum coating of flea power especially near his legs and paws. While I was out for the evening, my statically charged cats must have continued to play with their toys and roll on the carpet picking up additional flea power in their fur. When I got home late that evening the first cat started throwing up. Then, all through the night I was constantly awakened by all five cats retching and vomiting. The frequent vomiting continued throughout the next day and was joined by extreme water like diarrhea. I contacted the Emergency Poison Control Center, paid their $30.00 fee and I was told my cats were experiencing all the symptoms of Orthoboric poisoning (Active ingredient in Fleabusters RX.) I contacted Fleabusters and explained to them how my cats were poisoned by their flea power. Fleabusters assured me that mine was a unique experience and promised they would research this incident. Because cats are fastidious cleaners and lick themselves constantly there is always a chance under the right conditions that Fleabusters RX, or any other flea power or even talcum powder, could harm your cat if it ingests enough of it. My cats are all young and healthy so they should fully recover with no long term side effects. Old, sick and very young cats might be more at risk. If you are concerned about your cat ingesting this power you may want to keep your cat confined to one room while you treat the rest of your carpet. Then, after a few days you can start vacuuming again and most of the loose power will be gone. Once the loose power has been vacuumed you could then allow your cat access to the treated carpet.