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  • B.Uvena - I love how fast I received the nail polish in the ...

    I love how fast I received the nail polish in the mail! The only downside is that when I tried it, I took a few coats to get the full effect. Other than that, I love the color!! :D

  • Audrey Cartwright - Great product

    I actually see immediate results and will continue using this product It actually has filled in the thinning areas. Definitely worth it.

  • M. Prieto - 15 Months of use later - we couldn't be happier

    As first time parents with a penchant for smart shopping my wife and I agonized over the purchase of our daughter's stroller. We read reviews and ratings on the Baby Bargains Book (a must), we read detailed, comparative reviews on this and other strollers by other Amazon users and elsewhere. I will not try to outdo them. I'll keep it simple.