UConn Musculoskeletal Institute (MSI, Orthopaedics) - The region’s premier choice for complete care for a range of problems affecting bones, joints, muscles and connective tissue.

Country:, North America, US

City: -72.7188 Connecticut, United States

  • Sloper Dude - Why I don't buy a cheap hose...

    I'm an air conditioning technician, so I clean more than 500 air conditioners a year. When I got tired of using hoses that kinked, sprayed water over me from leaks in the hose or fittings, were difficult to reel or stow and had squashed, stamped-brass fittings which were hard to screw attachments to, I bought a Flexogen hose. Now I have a durable, leak-free hose which stands up to heavy daily use. It amazes me when I see how many homeowners have practically unusable hoses once the fittings have been run over in their driveway. This hose is (just a little more) money well-spent.

  • Jyoti Josahentara - Good Book but Somewhat Lacking

    First, let me say that I recommend this book, even though I'm not thrilled with how the book is organized. I find it lacking in the HOW-TO and WHEN departments. The author is obviously very knowledgeable and thorough in describing what candida overgrowth is, why it is, and the overall steps to take to get rid of it. There's a lot of good information here and the author is enthusiastic about sharing her experience and wisdom. The diet is a good one and I'm glad I have the book. So, this is why I give it 4 stars.

  • BronsonC - Better then the rest!!!

    Ok so I purchased this on release day along with the xbox one. I wanted to wait to give it a comparison so here I am a month later.

  • Pastor Kaye Queen - love the security of knowing my pets can't go flying around or thrown from the vehicle in case of car wreck.

    This is great it keeps the pet safe and secure but allows them to sit up, lay down or move around in the seat and ride comfortably. They are seatbelted in just like a human.

  • Jeremy M. Dacosta - The mats aren't as deep as I thought they might ...

    The mats aren't as deep as I thought they might be. Spilled on them and the liquid made it to the carpet in the back seat area easily

  • M. Long - Best Conditioner I have ever used

    I use most of the Design Essential products. I love almost all of them but this one is my favorite. It conditions my hair instantly and I have tried a bunch of products. It is not cheap but it is worth it.