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  • JennRijos - Life saver

    My son suffers from chronic sinusitis and always has that wet daycare cough... He has been on antibiotics for years and after three days of rubbing this on his chest and feet... No more mucus!!!! I love having my healthy son back! I poured a nickel size amount of olive oil in my palm and 3 drops of the oil and rubbed it on him in the morning and before bed! It's amazing!!

  • tigersense - McAfee Total Protection 2015 -- 3 PCs

    McAfee Total Protection 2015 was easy to install. First time that I am trying this virus software. Price was good for protecting 3 PCs. Hope that it catches "most" of the viruses that out there in our computer world. Thank U.

  • Jennifer Rae - Maybe Too Soon to Tell for Rodents, but does NOT work to repel insects.

    I've had this plugged into the garage for about two weeks now, and honestly, I don't see much of a difference so far. That said, a few months ago we had a few noticeable pests (i.e. rodents) in the garage, and got rid of them at the I guess I can say that it definitely hasn't attracted any additional pests, I'm just not sure it has had anything to do with repelling them. As for insects, this doesn't work at all, just as many flies and mosquitoes as ever. If I see a noticeable difference in the future, I will update this review, but as for now, I'm not impressed. I received this item at a discounted rate in exchange for my honest opinion.

  • Walter Miller - The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing: 2013 Edition by Jason Kelly

    This book is a great start to investing in stocks. It starts with the basic language of stocks, gives investment strategies of very successful investors, and develops tools and techniques to get the beginner started in investing in the stock market. It formed a firm foundation for my journey in investing. I recommend this book to people who value knowing how things work and enjoy using metrics to validate success.