fit4skoolFit4Skool | The School Fitness Programme - Fit4Skool assists teachers in the delivery of the physical education curriculum. It encourages activity during the school day to boost fitness and combat child obesity

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City: -90.4444 Missouri, United States

  • P. Grange - I completely disagree

    I love Zap Restorer. I've been nursing along my last spray bottleful for a long time. It finally ran out. I've been looking all over for it. Can't find it anymore in retail stores, so had to go online. It actually works on fiberglass shower stalls with stains that nothing else will touch. Yes, you do have to scrub. But with the kinds of stains that can occur on the floors of those older stalls, trust me, nothing would "spray & wipe" them away. Zap restorer is great!

  • Justin A. Gauvin - Lifesaver.

    Well, I got this about a year ago, and it installed into the hitch of my 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee without a problem. Setting the combination was also no problem, and I keep my spare car key in it, which I needed once since owning it—yesterday—what a relief that I had it!

  • wHurswh - Perfect skin!

    Perfect skin!!!! cleared up my face in under a week. Break outs are very, very minimal and manageable. My skin has never looked better.