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    Country:, Europe, GB

    City: -1.4333 Derbyshire, United Kingdom

  • tara - Popping Fun!

    I like it! This was a fun wall calendar I got for my kids. They literally can't wait to "POP" the new day! We have had a great deal of fun with it. If you are away and a few days go buy..."POP,POP,POP!!", the fun is contagious! It is a pretty large calendar and it has the US holidays on it and comes with stickers for other holidays and activities you may want to put on it. For a fun, unique calendar, I recommend it!

  • Amazon Customer - Too Much Speculation!

    The book is OK even if though it contains some bizarre speculations and assumptions. It's major purpose seems to try to convince people that the US was not really founded upon Christian Biblical principles due to the Masonic influence of the Founding Fathers. The speculative conclusion drawn is that since this is a historical fact that the US was singled out to unite the world in the New World Order under the UN globalist agenda. The book makes one think but then goes off course with too much speculation, in my opinion.

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  • patricia m. casey - Didn't do as advertised

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