Paintballing UK - Paintball games, articles about paintballing, photos and videos of paintballing. Everything you needed to know about paintballing including retail outlets for buying paintball kit, guns, masks and equipment.

  • Paintball Video - Groups at Our Paintball Site (Paintballing UK) - Here's a video of a group at our paintball site in South Wales. For more information or if you want to take part in paintballing then visit our website by clicking here.
  • Paintballing As a Component of an Outdoor Team Building Event (Paintballing UK) - Paintball is often seen as having a macho, male orientated high adrenaline image. This is why there is sometimes a reluctance on the part of some people to engage in this activity as a form of outdoor team building. Certainly our approach to outdoor team events which incorporate paintballing is far removed from this macho perception that people have of the activity. Our view is that if properly designed outdoor team building can be effective with many benefits deriving from its use. The traditional chalk and talk method of training can turn people off learning. By combining an indoor element...
  • What is the Law Concerning Paintball in the UK (Paintballing UK) - This is the advice on the UKPSF site:- "The Home Office does not consider paintball markers to be firearms because they fire frangible ammunition which breaks up on contact rather than inflicting a penetrating injury. The paintball industry uses the Air Weapons section of the firearms act to regulate the sport. Air weapons do not need a license if they fall within the following criteria, outside this criteria a licence is required. (This is a brief summary of the main points) For a paintball marker to be classed as an "Air Weapon" and therefore not require a licence it must...
  • Paintballing Governing Body in the UK (Paintballing UK) - The United Kingdom Paintball Sports Federation is the governing body in the UK. History In 1990 a group of players and members of the trade formed the European Paintball Sports Federation to protect the sport. The game of paintball was going through a rough time with attacks from the media and more important a possible ban by the Home Office as a result of the wording of the Firearms Act at the time. Over the years the EPSF and more recently the UKPSF have had discussions with various members of the Government, officials at the various Government bodies, local authorities,...
  • Paintball Accessories, Equipment and Markers (Paintballing UK) - Where can you buy your own paintball kit and equipment? Do you want to purchase your own paintball marker, gun, paintballs, mask and overalls and gas canisters. Well here are soem retail outlets weher you can buy all the paintball kit you need:- 1. Air soft guns and paintball markers 2. The Paintball Shop 3. If you want to use your new paintball kit in games then visit the Call of the Wild website.
  • Paintballing Video (Paintballing UK) - To give you some idea of what paintballing entails and the nature of the games then take a look at this video of some grousp playing some paintball games. If you would like to try paintball then visit Call of the Wild's website.

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  • LISA - Harris Bed Bug Killer

    This product does work keep using it daily for 3 months along with daily vacuuming laundry it can be difficult to do every day be persistent get your support team on board delegate jobs for everyone to help pitch in. At first we were lax thinking just the bug killer sprays will work, they do not alone just like people we need a team effort to get the job done right....Keep at it, these bugs can be concord. Don't bother getting new furniture new sheets new clothes, it only takes one bug then your at it all over again starting from scratch. Discovered ours around Jan 2014 bought all kids of products, paid an exterminator- waste of monies, threw out beds, clothes, carpets, furniture, it only takes one bug....After over a month of just about trying everything, even home remedies, came across this product it only is offered online not in the stores. Been using it since March...Everyone is getting a much deserved peaceful sleep. We our not sure tho we suspect the bugs came from a hotel we stayed at in December.

  • Amazon Customer - This is a perfect stroller. I got the bassinet attachment which works ...

    This is a perfect stroller. I got the bassinet attachment which works great for snapping on and off with my newborn. My only complaint is it doesn't fold up with the bassinet, you have to detach it first but the chair folds with the stroller for packing it in the car easily so I use that when I need to put it in my trunk. I specifically bought this because it is light weight and I live in a very hilly neighborhood. This is light enough to push up large hills with baby and feels safe. It steers great in the city on bumpy uneven sidewalks as well as grass in the backyard. It steers great and is very narrow, which is great for maneuvering around tables in a restaurant or shopping. I love this stroller and if I have another kid plan on using the free rider attachment. Great versatility.

  • TSchwar - Pretty good for eczema

    My son has sever eczema that is made much worse by milk, soy, eggs, and nuts. There are very few formulas that are hypoallergenic; with alimentum being one of only 4 that I know of (Enfamil's Nutramigen, Gerber's Extensive HA, and Neocate being the other 3) and I bought both alimentum and nutramigen to try them out. Both formulas still have milk and soy in the ingredients, but from what I understand the proteins have been broken down so as to minimize allergic reactions. When my son was first on alimentum he had a bit of reaction (the eczema on his legs and head flared up and started to weep) but after a day or two his body seemed to get over that and he has been doing well ever since.

  • Bianca Paris - Good design, bad for actual use.

    I ordered this because I thought the design was nice, and the glowing aspect of it gave it a unique touch. When I got it in the mail, the actual game board box had been taped on each side, which was inconvenient because the tape peeled off the box design very easily. The design was as described, though, as far as the board goes. An antique touch. BUT the board itself was extremely small, only space for 2 people to participate really. The planchette is very clunky and heavy, especially with batteries in. In fact, it wouldn't even move unless I took the batteries back out of it, and it still was troublesome (we tried for a while, and got results from another board of mine). The board texture also makes it difficult for the planchette to slide across with ease, and you have to have the board on a surface that provides friction or else it will slide around while trying to move the planchette. The glow in the planchette is controlled by pushing down on it, which also makes game play a little awkward. BUT, one upside was the way the glow revealed itself on the board when you removed the planchette, that was very cool. All in all, though, I was disappointed, but I wasn't expecting much considering such a low price. I have had many boards in my lifetime, and although this wasn't great it wasn't the absolute worst. It just wasn't for me. If you want a better experience with a ouija board, I suggest putting in the extra $10 for a sturdy wooden board with a light planchette. If you're getting it for design purposes only, then this is pretty true to the pictures.