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  • Playstation Junkie! - The Last Smackdown Vs. Raw for PS2

    THQ has made this last series installment for the Playstation 2. But as to be expected THQ waters it down and some features are not available for this version. But I'm not complaining, at least we get one more PS2 title. Here are the games features and my verdict.

  • Old-Duckman - So far so good. I have gone through 2 Battery Tenders

    So far so good. I have gone through 2 Battery Tenders, the first one lasted years, the second one months. I decided not to try a third.

  • Debbie - Perfect!

    This was perfect! My husband and I knew nothing about Rome and this totally helped give us well informed basics of what to do and where to go and how to avoid lines plus great lessons learned about all the sights.

  • John faggart - Maybe the fact that Im a free thinking American who sees past her lies made this book seem like a waste of time

    I think my copy had alto of pages missing. It said nothing about Benghazi or the missing emails or even the Clinton foundation. I kept reading and found nothing about whitewater or her husband's sex scandals or any of the other scandals they keep ending up in. Maybe by stronger together she was talking about her and wallstreet and the foreign countries her foundation keeps taking money from or how the democratic party is stronger together now that she screwed Sanders out of the nomination. Maybe the fact that Im a free thinking American who sees past her lies made this book seem like a waste of time.