Yasmin's Media Blog - Yasmin. Creative & Media. Photography. Music Videos. Film. Graphic Design. Special FX Makeup. Creativity is Beautiful. Have Fun With It. Never Take Yourself To Seriously.

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  • Kolef88 - Good Blades; so so Handles

    I bought a smaller set of these knives just to be nice to a son's classmate selling them as a summer job. Have not sent them back for free sharpening yet because the blades are still sharp after five years. However, my only complaint is that the handles look cheap and do not fit comfortably into the hand.

  • kmrotterdam - Great Disaster Movie

    The Russian pilot was so cute ... why did he have to die? I am a fan of post-apocalyptic films, and this does a good job in being frightening, as well as entertaining, Yes, of course, there are some weaknesses in the logic of some details, but overall, it's entertainment and certainly worth the time ... if you are a fan of the genre. I originally saw this in the theaters when it was released, and I wanted to have my own copy to watch every now and then. The special effects / computer generated graphics are spectacular and serve the plot well in making it more exciting. Turn off the lights, crank up the surround sound, and cuddle under a blanket with someone fun to hold on to for some excitement and entertainment,