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  • Shelley Schneider - Advertizement Misleading

    I purchased this book to prepare a Trust....NOT CONTAINED IN BOOK! Now I have to purchase another software to complete a Trust.

  • Kimberly - I really wanted to like it.

    I told my husband that I am the most gullible person. I fall for anything, Nuwave oven infomercial wasn't any different. I was trying to find something that would make cooking easier and I was sold on Nuwave. It is NOTHING like it shows. In order to cook the meat completely, you have to flip the chicken mid-way through the cooking...that makes it nearly impossible to cook veggies around it. The meat drips the fat, which of course is a good thing, so you must use the rack but unless you like fatty veggies, don't put them on the lower level. I am the type of person that I make sure the meat is at the perfect tempature by using a meat thermometer. The only way I am able to acheive the correct tempature with the Nuwave oven is to basically burn the chicken skin. I tried cooking cookies...that was a freakin joke...cookie dough EVERYWHERE!!!

  • Fuzzy Wuzzy - It didn't do a great job

    I can't say I will use this again as a detangler as it didn't seem to do much to help me detangle my curls. I recommend 

  • Rick Smith - I like Cozmo. He makes a great desk companion

    I like Cozmo. He makes a great desk companion. When you need a break from working on the computer, I play with Cozmo to get my stress level down to normal, then I go back to work. I play with Cozmo to meet the daily games required and it helps me a lot. So for me, this is what I use him for.

  • marius - Wonderful aid to studying the talmud

    This is a must for any serious student of the Talmud. It contains all the Aramaic words and abbreviations

  • betty - tummy tuck

    Yes I was excited when I noticed this new product and so I did purchase it and to all the hype it was suppose to help me melt my big belly fat. Well I was dissapointed in the item. The cream say's it will help melt and contiue when you are through with a few simple excese's and it did not work so I would not recemmoned it for the price that I paid for it. thanks