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Country:, North America, US

City: -80.9091 North Carolina, United States

  • Ryan T. Groeschl - Terrific value for First-Time Chromebook Owner

    I've had my chromebook for a couple months now, and I increasingly love it. I just pulled out my old laptop (heavy, slow MacBook) the other day, and I was really impressed by how much the Chromebook has spoiled me.

  • Cindy Carlson - won't buy again

    Bought the revitalizer spray, as well as shampoo and conditioner. Can't say that I am too impressed. For what I spent I don't feel as though it has done much for me. Have been using for about a month. Maybe a little less in the way of hair loss, however, I don't like the way it makes my hair feel. It is so dry and and "lifeless" now.

  • For Realz - Works great, wish I had this years ago!

    It works. I bought this based on the recent positive reviews. The bad reviews were from a couple years ago, so I figured I was safe and I'm very happy with my purchase. I never floss my back teeth because my fingers are so short and fat that it is way too difficult for me to even bother trying. For years I have only brushed and used mouthwash, but I still get cavities in between my back molars. Either that or my previous fillings are wearing away. I feel like I'm spending $300 every 6 months to repair previous fillings or fillings for new cavities. The hygienist that cleaned my teeth last week warned me that my gums were too large and that mine were on their way to gum disease. It was an awakening moment for me so I decided I needed to find a solution. Typical floss is cumbersome and the disposable floss sticks are annoying. The Listerine Access flosser looked better than most flossing options, but considering it is $10 for the stick and $10 for refill packs I would probably spend more than $50 on just that a year. I didn't realize these water flossers were this affordable. It seems like it is cheaper to get this h2o flosser in the long run.

  • Michael Katachanas - only one bug found

    Only shame is that the unicorn toothbrush does not operate properly when used at the same time with the parachute.

  • Anthony L - AMAZING!! Being as busy as I am (day ...

    Been on this product for about a month now. AMAZING!! Being as busy as I am (day job,gym, running a weekend business and just daily life). This product keeps me focused and able to always be on point when having to recall something from the past or present. I can tell when I miss a day too cause I will forget things and my brain is just fuzzy without it. Definitely add this to your daily regimen if you're an entrepreneur or student, you'll benefit from this tremendously!!!

  • Milorad Jovanovic - I have sinned

    This has consumed me, I have become an evil torturer of my workplace. It has gone so far that I can never, under any circumstances admit to what I've been doing. Not because of people being pissed but because I have wasted so much of company time and resources. I have been spraying and spraying and people have been gagging and gagging. Comments range from dead racoon in vents to someone hiding a bucket of diarrhea somewhere to raw sewage backed up to many many more comments. Even the most calm and rational people have started to curse. People are calling off work, calling safety, threatening to call OSHA...Maintenance has been here 20 times already, they've gone through sewer looking for cracks, investigated everything, torn down a small wall in bathroom, taken ceiling off, changed all filters...The hardest thing is keeping straight face when people start to curse and run outside. I am super slick in how I spray, no one even suspects anything like this, let alone that it's me. The smell is agonizing, it is truly the most foulest, nastiest, disgusting, vomit inducing reek, EVER. I can't even begin to come up with a rational way as to how this was made other than a bucket full of urine, puke, diarrhea and a racoon corpse that cooked in 95 degree sun for 7 days all put together in a paint shaking machine at a paint store. There is no other explanation. It is a menacing smell that will haunt your dreams forever.

  • Harold B. Webb - mechanism performance / shipping

    I have difficulty with the front deraileur that is not performing well when in front low gear and wheel gear in low gear and the same with high /high ( touching of chain to deraileur)