Editora Apicuri - Editora, Apicuri, livros, lançamentos, novidades, ciências humanas, arte, literatura, história, política internacional, Chomsky, Paul Gilding

  • http://apicuri.com.br/index.php/category/191-relacoes-internacionais Relações internacionais - relações internacionais, política, política externa, guerra, globalização, mundial, diplomacia
  • http://apicuri.com.br/index.php/2013-08-12-01-42-53/item/375-a-alemanha-e-o-estranho-paradoxo-das-energias-renovaveis A Alemanha e o estranho paradoxo das energias renováveis - Energia Renovável faz bem. Excesso de Energia Renovável pode fazer mal.   Baseado no artigo “When the Wind blows”, Special Report publicado pela...
  • http://apicuri.com.br/index.php/2013-08-12-01-42-53/item/374-superando-as-dificuldades-da-desaceleracao-chinesa Superando as dificuldades da desaceleração chinesa - Escrito por Alice Gomstyn para The Financialist by Credit SuisseTraduzido por LUIS MOREIRA para a EDITORA APICURI   Quando se trata de mercados f...
  • http://apicuri.com.br/index.php/2013-08-12-01-42-53/item/373-e-a-europa-tambem-sera-atingida-pela-queda-do-crescimento-na-china E a Europa? Também será atingida pela queda do crescimento na China? -   Por Alice Gomstyn para o FINANCIALIST by CREDIT SUISSETraduzido e Adaptado por LUIS MOREIRA para EDITORA APICURI   Os efeitos da acelerada...
  • http://apicuri.com.br/index.php/2013-08-12-01-42-53/item/372-brasil-como-destravar-o-potencial-de-crescimento-a-longo-prazo Brasil: como destravar o potencial de crescimento a longo prazo - Publicado no Financialist by Credit Suisse em 28 jan 2016 Tradução: Luis Carlos Moreira da Silva _____________________   O Brasil está enfrentand...
  • http://apicuri.com.br/index.php/2013-08-12-01-42-53/item/371-davos-2016-de-olho-na-china Davos 2016: de olho na China - Traduzido e adaptado a partir de texto publicado no jornal La Vanguardia de 21 janeiro, escrito pelo jornalista Andy Robinson, autor do livro Um Repór...

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  • Susan - Gift for my son and daughter-n-law

    New baby in family and my son said it's a great addition to the stroller, helps them stay organized and can keep important items at their fingertips!

  • Khi Khi - Awesome

    These are wonderful, they work so well and the added Vitamin C gives that added protection. Easy to swallow and no side effects!!

  • Amazon Customer - Was hoping to get a product I liked as much as shakeology

    Was hoping to get a product I liked as much as shakeology. Not the case. Better than most out there for sure, but didn't deliver the taste and texture I hoped

  • Petrice Crane - Best concealer around

    I've been using this concealer for years, and it's still the best on the market. Goes on smoothly and does the best job possible concealing dark circles. Also good for people with sensitive skin. I'm prone to breakouts from common ingredients in cosmetics but never had a problem with this product.

  • Mark W. Gowan - For My Wife.

    My wife originally brought this product at a local drug store and she really liked it. She says that she could tell the different in her hair and nails. She went back to the store to purchase more and they no longer carried it. She was so glad when we found it on line. She is on a monthly shipment now and she loves it.

  • psanchi - SlimQuick Product has not worked for me.

    So much for the other reviews on this product and the claims of how well it works. I have not lost 1 pound and I have nearly taken the whole bottle. Also if I take 2 or more pills in the afternoon with lunch I am not able to sleep at night. Need a refund.

  • Happygoluckyguy - Stay hydrated! Or burn up lol

    Just want everyone to know why the people who are complaining about the product are having that problem. Niacin will flush toxins out of your body. If you eat healthy and stay hydrated with lots of h20 the product is of average quality..