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  • Sean May - A Million Random Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates - Next Summer's Blockbuster hit!

    Have you Random Digits fans heard the great news? It looks like Universal has picked up the rights to the book and they've already begun production on the film adaptation!

  • Joel and Destiny V. - My favorite

    I have been drinking organo gold black coffee for a few years, and I have been purchasing it from amazon for the best price on it. This coffee has many health benefits, from better sleep, to better digestion and using the bathroom regularly (ha!) to lowering cholestorol levels, among many other benefits. Once you get used to the taste, you will love it! When I drink regular coffee, I almost want to spit it out due to how acidic it is, this coffee is alkiline and amazing. Give it a try, you'll be glad you did!

  • Hildrele - I think these actually work, but they contain titanium ...

    I think these actually work, but they contain titanium dioxide, a known carcinogen. It's used as a filler.

  • George Johnson - Heavy duty lubricant that stays on hard working parts and makes engines last,

    I have been using lucas products for over 15 years and not just one product but several of their products without any failures,

  • Meluvbooks2 - Loved it.

    Loved the characters. Loved the drama, betrayal and the romance. Liam is softer side of an alpha bad boy but still sexy and hot. Lizzie just buried her father, but all his belong is left to Liam. She tries to understand the secrets and lies while grieving for her dad. Instant attraction. Fast pace full of romance and entertainment.

  • Brendan J. Smith - Amazing Experience

    Just cashed in the kids' college funds and dropped them off at the Army recruiting station. I got the TV, they got a career. I think it worked out well for everyone.

  • Benj - Agile

    I didn't know what was agile product management until I got this book. But must I say it is quite the interesting topic. In addition to that the scrum and sprint reviews aspect of it. I loved this box set as I believe it works great together. The portion of the book that i loved the most was the 15 tips to demo and improve your product. This was a great read definitely recommended.