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  • Berto - Does not disappoint

    The campaign is extremely short, but if you buy BF games for the campaign you're in the wrong train.

  • Amazon Customer - This Series Was The Bomb 🔥🔥🔥🔥

    I Loved Me Some Mayhem, Raseey And Maleek. They all was bae😍😍😍 it was hard to just like one of them. Them Godfrey's brothers know they didn't play at all. I Love Tiny & Mayhem together, He was heaven sent for her. He made her into the woman she was. He loved her so much & She loved him too. I'm Happy Macy Got What she deserve at the end of the day.. I'm happy that Stacy & Maleek found them someone they truly can be happy with. I ain't surprised at Joie dropping Jamie off and disappearing. I Love Shay & Maleek relationship😍 I'm so happy that Emma & Crazy Raseey got it together plus had babies.. so happy that everything works itself out. I Hated to see them go. I loved this series 😍😍 hate to see them go. I can't wait to read love in the trap. I don't who I like more Murder or Romeo

  • Sherleen G. - RoC Deep Wrinkle Filler, the jury is still out

    I have been contacted numerous times by Amazon to write a review on RoC products that I recently purchased. I have told them I hadn't used the products long enough to really give a review but since they continue to e-mail me about it, I will give it my best shot. I like this Deep Wrinkle Filler for how it goes onto my face and how it feels when I apply it in the morning. The smell is very nice however I have not used it long enough to really give it a great review as far as filling my wrinkles as well as I'd like. I will say that it has probably brightened my complexion some and there may be discernible wrinkle coverage but whatever I see first thing in the morning gradually wears off as the day goes on. I have only reapplied it a couple of times later in the day if I am going some place special. I had hoped this would be something I would not have to worry would wear off by mid afternoon. I purchased the Deep Wrinkle Filler primarily for temporary coverage of my wrinkles but I was thinking it would last until I washed my face in the evening. I was hoping as with the other RoC products I purchased at the same time as I purchased the deep wrinkle filler that I would see better results the longer I used it however in the past two to three weeks that I have used it, I'm not sure the results will get any better as some reviewers shared. One huge problem I have noticed when I use this product and also the deep wrinkle moisturizer is that when I apply the moisturizer over the RoC Deep Wrinkle Filler that I also apply in the mornings, it tends to flake and I have to wipe off all the excess flaking that comes from either the filler or the moisturizer, whichever is doing it. I have been careful about applying it thin enough and making sure I rub it in good but it still has a tendency to flake which is a big nuisance. I would like to know if there is something I am missing when applying these two products in the morning since the directions do say that that you can use the moisturizer over the wrinkle filler. At any rate, time will tell whether I see any a pronounced difference in my wrinkles but at this point, it is helping some, I just wish it would do more and last longer. Hopefully the longer I use it, the sooner I will see more improvement that will seal my decision about whether I will continue using these products. At this point, if I ran out of them tomorrow, I probably would not reorder.

  • Scott Conrad - This is a great book if you have already read his biography

    This is a great book if you have already read his biography. What I've found to be really neat is seeing the progression of the fabric line of business and it's share of the letter to being diminished before finally ceasing operations.

  • BARBARA - Wish I could delete this book as easily as she deleted her emails.

    Wish I could delete this book as easily as she deleted her emails. Don't waste your money. She has shown that she is anti-American, anti-Constitution, anti-military, and anti-police. She is a liberal who will sell our country to the highest bidder.

  • J. Silver - Timbuk2 Laptop Bag

    This was my first laptop bag I ever got so I was skeptical on getting this bag for the price and didn't really know if it would fit my MacBook Pro laptop in the bag especially because I have a hard case on the laptop. But I must say that this Timbuk2 bag is made really well and my MacBook Pro fit with the hard case on, also everything I have for my laptop feat inside the bag and I really like the TSA feature. I am satisfied with this product.

  • Dave Schranck - An excellent training aid

    Excel 2010: the missing manual is part of a growing series of reference manuals for popular software products. Mr MacDonald has also written Access 2010 among other books. A CD with training exercises is not available but a website is available to download the necessary essentials.