Herpes | Support Groups - The Herpes Support Group is here for anyone looking for support in dealing with Herpes. You can join the Herpes Support Groups here for free.

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  • A. Jozefowicz - begin your neighborhood arms race today!

    shipping may take some time but while i was waiting for my ore to arrive i told my neighbor that he should pay my electric bill or else i will begin R&D when my yellow cake arrives. i also launched a rocket my child made in science class over my neighbors home just to let him know i was serious. once the ore arrived, i began negotiations.

  • Shannon Esslinger - Loving our new family addition!

    I purchased Cozmo for my 9 year old daughter. She LOVES robotics. Cozmo has a great personality. He's been so much fun to play with! I think I might be having more fun with him than my daughter.

  • ronnie rusness - Could be better

    It's OK. I was really hoping it would be stronger. The arm setting is decent. But the back and lower body settings really, in my opinion, do nothing. I have a similar product that I actually end up using more because of it's strength and larger selection of settings. But if you do not require super intense treatment, you may want to try this one.