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  • Amazonian - Useful with a few annoyances

    If someone were to ask if they should get this, I would probably tell them the pros and cons that I, myself, dealt with after purchasing and using this messenger bag.

  • Amazon Customer - Focus accountability and great sleep!

    I was a major skeptic, what? A limitless pill? Took me a long time to finally order. I started the product and only after a few days I noticed a difference in my focus and alertness. I work car sales and while using Masterbrain I felt like I was speeding through my daily tasks (calls and emails) and didn't feel drained when doing them. I felt like my mental capabilities had been sharpened. It wasn't a "limitless" pill, but I felt limitless and on top of things and the sleep was sound and amazing. I'd highly recommend Masterbrain to anyone who would want to increase focus and accuity as well as getting better sleep.