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Country:, North America, US

City: -87.6272 Illinois, United States

  • raffaella - Burned my skin

    I have used this and several other Perricone MD products for over 1 year now. I have not noticed any improvement in the appearance of my skin. The Face Finishing Moisturizer, in particular, burned when I put it on my face. When I called Perricone, they wouldn't allow me to return it because I had had it for over 30 days. After few weeks later I began to experience itching which only grew worse as time went by. Eventually I had to discontinue use of all of the Perricone MD products I had purchased. So I am stuck with a boatload of products and Perricone (unlike many cosmetic lines) will not take them back because they have a strict 30-day return policy.

  • Peter - through away good money, but not manufacturers fault.

    I can't really it because my chicken s*** son-in-law is too scared to let the kids ride it. He won't even open the box