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Leading the way in rheumatology | The British Society for Rheumatology - The British Society for Rheumatology is the professional medical association for rheumatology and musculoskeletal medicine. Our members include consultant rheumatologists, trainees and health professionals with interest in rheumatology, arthritis and other rheumatic diseases.

  • The British Society for Rheumatology | Join us | The British Society for Rheumatology - We welcome applications from health professionals in all fields of rheumatology.
  • About BSR - British Society for Rheumatology | The British Society for Rheumatology - The British Society for Rheumatology has been the voice for people with arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions for over 30 years.
  • What is Rheumatology? | The British Society for Rheumatology - Rheumatology is a multidisciplinary branch of medicine that deals with the investigation, diagnosis and management of patients with arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions
  • Strategic plan | The British Society for Rheumatology - Our strategic plan: A world in which arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions are diagnosed early, treated effectively and prevented where possible.
  • BSR special interest groups | The British Society for Rheumatology - The BSR special interest groups provide a valuable resource to our members, giving a unique and unparalleled insight into their specialisms.
  • What will your legacy be? | The British Society for Rheumatology - A legacy gift is simply a donation in your will and is a very cost-effective way to give to charity. Such donations are exempt from inheritance tax which means that every penny goes directly to our work.
  • Rheumatology Resources | The British Society for Rheumatology - Academic references and resources including guidelines and clinical statements, biologics registers and information on commissioning and standards for rheumatology.
  • Rheumatology Guidelines | The British Society for Rheumatology - Guidelines for the use of intravenous tocilizumab in the treatment of adult patients with rheumatoid arthritis and guidelines for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis with biologics.
  • Gout and National Clinical Audit | The British Society for Rheumatology - National Clinical Audit for rheumatoid and early inflammatory arthritis and Gout Audit.
  • Commissioning support | The British Society for Rheumatology - The British Society for Rheumatology, together with the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) and Arthritis Care, has formed the Musculoskeletal Solutions Alliance.
  • Policy Reports and Statements in Rheumatology | The British Society for Rheumatology - The British Society for Rheumatology aim to inform and influence key decision makers in Government, its agencies and patients to raise awareness of important issues in rheumatology.
  • The NICE and BSR guidelines | The British Society for Rheumatology - The NICE and the British Society for Rheumatology guidelines on the management of rheumatoid arthritis and reports on rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Biologics Registers for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis | The British Society for Rheumatology - Patients receiving biological treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Ankylosing Spondylitis.
  • Rheumatology Research | The British Society for Rheumatology - These research pages have been put together as a support resource. They help rheumatologists and other allied health professionals find out about current studies as well as available grants and awards.
  • The British Society for Rheumatology Conferences and Events | The British Society for Rheumatology - World class conferences and events run by the British Society for Rheumatology for rheumatologists and all health professionals with interest in rheumatology, arthritis and other rheumatic diseases.
  • Conferences in Rheumatology | The British Society for Rheumatology - Rheumatology 2015: Innovation, education and networking for the rheumatology community.
  • Funding and awards in rheumatology | The British Society for Rheumatology - Celebrating successes and innovations that change the face of rheumatology. Prizes and awards to recognize achievements and to encourage those working to improve patient care.
  • Events diary | The British Society for Rheumatology - Upcoming events, conferences and seminar in rheumatology, for rheumatologists and health care professionals with interest in rheumatology.
  • Webinars in rheumatology | The British Society for Rheumatology - Webinars in rheumatology for rheumatologists or health professionals with interest in rheumatology.
  • Keep up-to-date | The British Society for Rheumatology - Subscribe to our event update e-newsletters if you would like to be kept up-to-date about BSR events and education, including our new e-learning project and conferences.

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  • Ethan - It would be cool to dance without them

    My daughter preferred the songs from 2014 (PS3). The PS4 doesn't seem to work too well without the MOVE controllers, so she always uses those. It would be cool to dance without them, but she hasn't had much luck that way.

  • Dominique Jones - Great Book..

    Great buy helped for my NCLEX-PN prep.. I passed my test and have been working as a nurse for a few months.. :)

  • Vinyasi - Our Earthing Connection to Mother Nature

    I find the Earthing technology to be a great introduction to longitudinal circuits popularized by the likes of Eric Dollard and Nikola Tesla. They filter out current by using an "open circuit" pathway - namely, a straight line (not circular; nor "closed circuit") - for free electrons to migrate back and forth between our body and the Earth in a dynamic fashion statistically equalizing any voltage difference between these two bodies over time. Earthing creates a connection to all other life forms which are connected to Mother Earth. Unity among all of Earth's creatures is the result along with the general notion of connecting one's self to something greater than one's self, ie: the Earth.

  • Robert Sherer - This product is fine and does work

    This ISN'T OEM! OEM doesn't need to be programed! This product is fine and does work, but it IS NOT OEM. I was able to see OEM in action, plugged into back of stereo and it worked after reboot. Simple installation takes approximate 2 hours and dealership computer required to program (took 3 minutes and I was charged the full hour).

  • Melanie Squires - Best device ever

    Best device ever. Great aerator for wine and neat product. Wonderful gift as well!! Easy to use, easy to clean... Just an awesome product. Everyone I use it with ends up ordering their own! I've sold at least 10 just this week!!

  • Allan M. Lees - Best Treatment for Poison Oak

    There are currently two "proper" remedies for an encounter with poison oak. The first is TecNu and the second is Zanfel. Both are better than soap-and-water (which really doesn't work, as I know to my cost) but in my opinion Zanfel is the clear winner of the contest. Not only is the formulation more effective at neutralizing the irritant oil but it contains micro granules that act as an abrasive, ensuring that the compound gets into every pore and wrinkle so that there's nowhere for the poison oak oil to hide. This has become an essential part of my medipack ever since I discovered the "delights" of interacting with poison oak.

  • Anjani - My son loves pediasure

    My son totally loves pediasure. It is healthy and has a lot of nutrients. This product arrived on time and fits exactly how it is described. I am happy with the purchase and would reorder more soon.