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  • Joyful56 - Wonderful Product

    Fast delivery and good price for a beauty product I have used for several years. These pads help to keep my complexion fresh and even up skin tone. I will be buying for many years into the future.

  • David Coseglia - Did the job just as advertised. Saved me the ...

    Did the job just as advertised. Saved me the trouble of pulling up countless tiles in just 15 minutes and not a peep of a sound from the tiles.

  • Hawkeye - Don't waste your money!

    Don't waste your money on this blender. We used it 15 times to blend since we bought it. We did not chop ice or abuse it. Now it is dead! We had an Oster blender for over 30 years and it still worked when we bought this plastic piece of junk. Of course now it out of warranty but from what I read there IS NO WARRANTY If you buy through Amazon beyond the 30 day return policy. Gee I wonder why they don't warranty their product? I'm searching for a new blender. It won't be a Ninja.

  • Purrtea - Very nice mat for the price.

    I love this bathmat! I no-longer have to worry about me, or anyone else in my house slipping in the tub. The suction cups are pretty strong, so the mat doesn't move around easily. As for the Anti-Bacterial part, I haven't had it long enough to know about that. It's really comfortable to sit on, or stand on, and you don't feel the suction cups under you. It doesn't cover the entire bottom of my tub, but I can deal with it, since it's still such a nice mat for the price. The little body exfoliating mitt is OK but not the best one I've ever used, but it's a nice little bonus that comes with the mat.

  • Debra L. West - Price Cheaper.

    This is an excellent product! I purchased mine directly from Simple Sugar. I highly encourage you to do so. The pricing is more than 50% less than Amazon. I love Amazon but this markup is way to high.

  • Amanda - Did not work with my skin!

    When I applied this makeup, I loved it! I have very clear skin and after I put it on my skin looked soft and pretty. My job involves a lot of running around and I sweat, but when I had the bare minerals on it was so light weight and breathable. It doesnt completely cover all my blemishes though, I had to use an additional concealer for them. I used it for about a week and I started to notice my skin getting red. Then I broke out HORRIBLY... I had huge cysts like pimples that I have never got before! It was all along my jaw line and my chin. I didn't realize with was the makeup that was making my face breakout until about 3 weeks later I finally stopped using it. It took awhile for my face to get back to normal. Now I use Clinque, it doesnt make my face breakout. A lot of people had great results with this product but I believe it all depends on your skin type! I didnt know my skin was so sensitve because I never had problems with it before!