Welcome - Concord Medical Centre - We are an award winning practice that has recently been recognised as an Outstanding Practice by the Care Quality Commission, which is the highest award...

  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/about/history/ History - Concord Medical Centre - The Concord Medical Centre operates from one site delivering Primary Care to around 14,000 patients.Our Practice is in Little Stoke on the northern edge of the...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/about/cqc_rating/ CQC Rating - Concord Medical Centre - The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. To see the latest report please click on the link...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/about/teaching_and_training/ Teaching and Training - Concord Medical Centre - We teach undergraduate students from the University of Bristol in their first four years. Two of the partners are qualified GP trainers. All of the partners take...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/about/confidentiality/ Confidentiality - Concord Medical Centre - Discussions between you and your doctor or nurse are confidential. Where your care involves other members of our healthcare team or referral is required your...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/about/data_sharing/ Data Sharing - Concord Medical Centre - Patient records and sharing your data..... Summary Care Record: How sharing your summary care record can help with your treatment in an emergency: We...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/about/complaints/ Complaints - Concord Medical Centre - Concord Medical Centre always tries to give a friendly and professional service to all our patients. However, if you have any concerns about any aspect of our...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/about/acceptable_behaviour/ Acceptable Behaviour - Concord Medical Centre - Patients Charter What we expect from you as a patient: To adhere to practice policy when making and keeping appointments. Be on time for your...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/about/patient_involvement/ Patient Involvement - Concord Medical Centre - We would like to know how we can improve our service to you and how you perceive our surgery and staff.To help us with this, we have set up a virtual patient...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/about/vacancies/ Vacancies - Concord Medical Centre - Current Vacancies: Salaried GPUp to 8 sessions per week (see attachment below for official advert)Please email Dawn McCaffrey, Practice Manager...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/about/newbuild/ Details and progress of Concord new build - Concord Medical Centre - Building progress and updatesThe long anticipated second phase of the Concord Medical Centre extension began on 10th October 2016. PurposeThis further extension...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/surgeries/ Our Services - Concord Medical Centre - We have a team of doctors and practices nurses who provide a wide range of high quality services, both NHS and private....
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/surgeries/online_services/ Online Services - Concord Medical Centre - Our online services allow you to book or cancel your appointments, request a repeat prescription or download leaflets and practice forms for you to complete in...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/surgeries/opening_times/ Opening Times - Concord Medical Centre - Surgery Normal Opening Times: Monday 08:30 to 19:15 Tuesday 08:30 to 18:15 Wednesday 07:30 to 18:15 ...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/surgeries/our_clinics/ Appointment Types - Concord Medical Centre - We run all our clinics by an appointment only system. Appointments can be booked by telephoning the surgery on the day you wish to be seen or alternatively you...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/surgeries/who_should_i_see/ Who should I see - Concord Medical Centre - Choose well - which service do I need?Feeling Under the Weather?The NHS has launched its winter campaign Feeling under the weather? which aims to reduce...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/surgeries/np_registration/ New Patient Registration - Concord Medical Centre - We have an open list and welcome requests for registration from patients living in or moving to the practice area.You can register by completing a NHS...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/surgeries/certificates/ Fitness-for-work Certificates - Concord Medical Centre - You only need a fitness-for-work certificate if you are ill and are unable to work for seven calendar days or longer. Your employer will provide you with an SC2...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/surgeries/test_results/ Test Results - Concord Medical Centre - When your doctor or nurse arranges a test for you, they will usually make it clear how to get your results. If you are asked to telephone for your result, please...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/surgeries/looking_after_yourself/ Looking after yourself - Concord Medical Centre - Preventing Illness Most people are keen to prevent themselves from becoming ill if at all possible. It is difficult to avoid some illnesses. The common cold...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/surgeries/documentlibrary/ Document Library - Concord Medical Centre - Our Document Library has a range of useful leaflets and patient forms. Simply click on the title to download the leaflet or form you...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/services/ Other Services - Concord Medical Centre - At Concord Medical Centre we also provide services to our patients that are outside of the NHS. These services range from medical reports, body composition...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/services/ps_fees/ Private Services - Concord Medical Centre - The NHS does not pay for some of the services we provide. These include private sick notes, insurance forms, holiday cancellation forms, medical reports,...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/services/entandaudiologyservice/ Audiology Service - Concord Medical Centre - Concord Medical Centre offers a private ear micro-suction service.Patients may be referred direct for micro-suction by their audiologist to one of our expert...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/services/body_composition_analysis/ Body Composition Analysis - Concord Medical Centre - A DXA scan is the gold standard in clinical body composition analysis. Understanding your body s composition can be the tool that helps you achieve health...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/services/ps_occupational_health/ Occupational Health - Concord Medical Centre - Our occupational health service helps you look after your most valuable asset: your staff. It can help: reduce absence sustain and increase...
  • http://www.concordmedicalcentre.co.uk/site/services/ps_chiropractic/ Other Health Professionals - Concord Medical Centre - Other health professionals holds clinics here at Concord Medical Centre, some of which are private and will therefore charge for their services. Please contact...

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  • Kaidyn - They really work!

    For everyone that says that this doesn't work, it does. I just had court on Wednesday, 2/25/15, and they gave me a 10 panel drug test or something close to that, but anyways I passed 100% clean. How? I gave about 5 days to stay away from smoking and drank water everyday and cranberry juice. I woke up 3 hours early the day of my court date, drank about five 20oz bottles of water, then an hour before my court date and time, I drank it slowly and took my time. After that, I refilled it four times with water and drank them and then I didn't drink, smoke, eat, or anything till after my drug test. It works, just have to follow the instructions. Thank you!

  • Sara H. - love this! lots of aloe and cucumber essence really ...

    love this! lots of aloe and cucumber essence really brings puffiness down. keep in the fridge for an extra boost.

  • trevor denham - must read the directions i give you

    you have to use the drink right..quit smoking atleast 72 hours before...no fatty fodds the whole day before, no cigarettes or any other toxins including sugar...i reccomend a salad the night before with little dressing, also no food the day of your detox drink....pee in toilet first, stop the flow mid stream and fill cup and then finish in the toilet again...worked 6 months in a row on adult probation and they stopped testing me...