Welcome to Fight For Kids - An alternative for parents concerned with the psychiatric labeling and drugging of their child with heavy mind-altering drugs like Ritalin, Prozac, Adderall and Zoloft.

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  • madhukar - Guide to transform data to information

    In the modern day of data and endless excel sheets - you just have to have this guide to create more useful spread sheets, formulas, filters and pivot tables

  • MACAYLA - The book is an interesting review of how habits serve ...

    The book is an interesting review of how habits serve as a fundamentally different type of recall than we typically think of when we talk about of memory. The author thinks that habits are effectively subroutines that operate below our consciousness and allow us to process tasks and ideas without using as much higher order thinking – which creates mental efficiency. This summary was concise and had a smooth flow. There were enough examples to clarify the key takeaways and make them memorable.

  • James Crowe - AutoCAD LT 2014 upgrade from ver 2006

    So far, so good. Learning curve has not been too difficult. It feels good to be current again with our AutoCAD software.

  • Michael - Works best if drunk throughout the day instead of all at once

    I love this product. Drink it every day. I am 200 pounds and one scoop a day is enough for me most days. I did find that it works best for me if I mix the one scoop with a 1 litre bottle of water and drink it periodically throughout the day

  • M. Yoder - Horrible Product: app crashes daily, charts incorrect, UI sluggesh and cheap.

    *** 10/27/13 update: app crashes almost daily. This happens when syncing with my accounts, and/or cloud, or just moving around in the app. It is really shocking how bad this app is. It is very disappointing that such a mainstream product is so unstable, yet people (suckers like me) seem to still buy it! I am told that you can return the product within 60 days for full refund, and at this point with multiple crashes per day I have reached this point. I will be returning the app and searching for more stable alternatives.