Oliva Rosa - associazione donne separate - Associazione donne separate Oliva Rosa: un'associazione no profit per fornire supporto morale, psicologico e fisico alle donne separate o che si stanno separando

  • http://www.olivarosa.org/oliva-informa Oliva Rosa - L'Oliva informa - L'Oliva informa, news dall'Oliva Rosa associazione no profit di donne separate Oliva Rosa. Quello che si dice di noi..
  • http://www.olivarosa.org/rassegna-stampa-oliva Oliva Rosa - Rassegna stampa - Rassegna stampa dell'Oliva Rosa associazione no profit di donne separate Oliva Rosa. Quello che si dice di noi..

    Country:, Europe, IT

    City: 11.8833 Province of Arezzo, Italy

  • Erin Sowards - Couldn't be Happier

    This product is incredible. After being on a medication for my bladder that caused quite a bit of hair loss, (I'm 28 and Female with formerly healthy hair and no issues) to the point where I was pulling handfulls of hair from my drain, and going through artificial Menopause with a Chemo drug I was searching for a product that would help my hair, skin and nails get back in shape. My hair was dry and I had almost a bald spot for which I had even tried Rogaine, and my nails were brittle and peeling. My skin was rather dry and just generally dull. I was recommended by a friend to try these pills. I didn't have much hope after trying about 4 other over the counter suppliments but I gave it a month. I started to notice my thinning hair spot was filling in. And my nails were growing nice and thick. My skin was looking nourished and even had a slight glow. So I bought a second box for month 2. Now I'm on my 6th month and my hair looks like it had never even had the balding thin spot and my hairdresser even commented on how beautiful my hair was!!! My nails have grown long and healthy to the point where people ask if they are my nails or if I get them done when I have them polished!!! And my skin which I use a Ocean Salt Scrub on, and a Bread Based daily cleanser looks amazing. No more dry dull skin for me. This product has been a miracle product for me and I will continue to be a customer forever as long as it's made. I also notice more volume to my hair and it's shiny and healthy. I'm so thrilled I tried this product. Please give it a month or two to get started, you won't be sorry!!

  • Mary G - great

    Came exactly as pictured and in a reasonable amount of time. This book matches what the professor wanted so all is good.

  • Wittgrad01 - Perfect can coozie!!

    Love this Coozie!!! I mean absolutely love! The only setback for me on this coozie is that the instant that I opened the box and pulled it out, my dad said, "Ooh, lemme see that coozie! Thanks for this!!" I don't even get to enjoy it full time!! Haha. This coozie really is fantastic and keeps cans so very cool. You simple unscrew the top half inch where the rubbery part is, slide your can in and re-screw the top on. It is very sturdy, yet lightweight enough that it is not going to be too heavy and cumbersome to carry around. We both used this several times the last few weeks in the hot late summer sun and the can and liquid stayed ice cold. I let my pop sit for 30 minutes without even touching it and it was still very cold. I absolutely love this! It is so worth the money and is an awesome product!