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    my breast milk had been playing catch up with my new born's appetite for over 5 weeks until I started taking these pills. Very happy with the results. Highly recommend to new mothers that want to produce more milk for their babies.

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  • Dave Womach - AMAZING! Highly recommend

    Perfect for a bug out bag, emergency kit, or just plain camping. Definitely keeping some of these around for tough times ahead. Used this for charging my cell phone, and iPad Mini while camping. Was perfect for being able to watch some movies without losing battery power.

  • Hannah - which was a great decision. Although the seat initially dwarfed him

    Researched a lot of carseats. We knew our son would be born prematurely, so we bought the. Maxi Cosi Pria with Tiny Fit, which was a great decision. Although the seat initially dwarfed him, he still fit securely & safely thanks to the tiny fit & all the extra cushioning. It really is so nice we call it his little prince chair. Would absolutely but it again. We feel it's much safer than an infant seat with a click in base.