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Country:, Europe, SK

City: 21.6848 Presovsky kraj, Slovak Republic

  • R.H. Smith - Impressive performance

    OK... generally I'm a "Gibbs-guy" (Gibbs Brand Lubricant) but Gibbs is hard to find and when you do, the shipping costs are prohibitive. So I tried a can of this stuff and I've got to admit, it's pretty impressive so far. Now the next time I make it to a local gun show where there's a Gibbs rep. selling my old stand-by, I WILL buy a can but until that happens I'll continue to use Slick 50.

  • Anonymous - Relief from Chronic Pain and Insomnia

    I am one of those people who is highly sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies (emf's). This is the best product I have found that reduces this sensitivity to electromagnetic frequencies. My main source of emf's is from my computer and the more time I spend on it the worse I tend to feel. I experience a lack of focus and concentration, insomnia and all-over, chronic pain (with the worse concentrated in my hands, neck and shoulders). Extensive research shows the emf's create disturbances in numerous physiological functions that can cause hormonal imbalances, headaches, nervous tension, pain, anxiety, insomnia. Since I suffered from many of these myself I decided to purchase this mat and see if it would help. I bought the earthing universal mat and now I use it whenever I am working on my computer of talking on my cel phone. I cannot describe the deep sense of well-being I get from being connected to it. I sleep more deeply and feel more rested in the morning, I feel more calm and focused, the chronic pain I get when I work on a computer is no longer troublesome. I highly recommend this product anyone who does more than a little work with electrical devices, computers, iPads, cell phones or anyone who lives near a cel tower or near large electric power lines. My next purchase of earthing products will be a bed pad. I have also become a committed bare-foot ground-loving being at home and any chance I have with an even greater appreciation for Gaia (Earth) energy than before, and an appreciation that we are electromagnetic beings who are sensitive to vibration. Gratitude to all for this opportunity!

  • Bruce - But it did handle multiple participants nicely and allowed the host to display pages for review ...

    I thought this would run as an app on my Kindle Fire, but it's incompatible with the OS. I used the web version on my PC for a multi-person meeting, and it was as OK as Skype--which is to say that it froze, had sound problems, etc. But it did handle multiple participants nicely and allowed the host to display pages for review by the participants when he wished.